Web visitors usually have very short attention spans. Show them something they’re not interested in, and they don’t think twice before leaving you alone. This is where your sidebar comes to rescue (well, mostly!). Here, you can always place stuff to tell your user what other exciting things they can explore on your website. The […]

Menu links, as the name suggests, are the links that appear in the header section (main menu) on your website. This point links to all the major sections on your website, and are usually static on each page. This is the major reason they don’t carry much significance with regard to SEO, since the search […]

A contextual link is the clickable text (usually the keywords) found within the written content of your webpage. If used effectively, contextual linking can be proven a very strong SEO linking strategy for your website. Not only that, contextual linking earns you high credibility and popularity among users as well as search engines. Contextual linking […]

The method to connect internal resource on a website is called internal link building. We usually name those internal resources as webpages. What is an HTML Internal Link A link is a combination or URL and anchor text bounded in ‘a’ tag. They collectively called a link. An HTML link is simply the representation of […]

HTML Heading tags are used to differentiate the heading of a webpage from the rest of its content. They are the simplest ways to divide up the content of your page into different smaller sections to make it more comprehensible. For search engine optimization these tags inherit a lot more importance than other HTML tags. […]

Sitemap is basically the map that contain information of all located resource on a website. It helps users, as well as search engines, to easily explore a website for their required object. On the other hand it also helps them to improve their search (for user) and indexing experience (for search engines). What are Different […]

Website indexing is the process of downloading data from webpages and storing it into databases by search engines. They do this because they need to process data to display most relevant results to their users. So, Web page indexing is important for websites to being displayed in search engines against user queries. The question is […]

Have you ever thought about what is the most important factor that affects the search engine result pages for your website? Is it the Meta description, or the images, the title tag? No. It is the written content, indeed, one of the most important SEO factor on a webpage. Just imagine, what would your site […]

After the title tag, meta description tag is another factor to get the most out of the search engine result pages (SERPs). Unfortunately, many webmasters pay very little (or no) attention to this under-rated SEO element, and as a result, they lose more than 50% of their traffic on the SERPs. Yes! When your webpage […]

Almost half of the fate of your web page is decided on the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). It is there that the user decides whether or not they will benefit from your content. Those few words that appear in the search results, known as webpage title,  are all you’ve got to make your first […]