Navigating the world of SEO can be a challenge, but this guide is designed to make it clearer and more approachable.

Starting off, we will dig into the different shades of SEO. From there, the guide will unravel the mystery of how Google chooses which websites to place at the top of search results. If you’ve ever come across terms like E-A-T and E-E-A-T and wondered what they mean, you’re in for clarity.

Together, we will explore ways to make a website shine in SEO, both from within (on-page) and from the outside (off-page). I’ll also share how I keep tabs on my SEO progress and the tools that aid me. As Google frequently updates its ranking methods, this guide will keep you in the loop.

Speaking of tools, I’ll introduce you to some of the ones I swear by, tools that have been instrumental in my SEO journey. Plus, the guide will highlight experts and go-to websites, many of which have been my go-to sources for SEO wisdom.

By the time we wrap up, the aim is for this guide to equip you with a solid understanding of SEO, blending both the guide’s structured approach and my personal insights. Ready to dive in? Let’s go!

What is SEO?

SEO is the art of optimizing websites to rank higher on search engines. It’s about understanding algorithms and user behavior to increase visibility and drive organic traffic.

How Search Engines Work?

Imagine the internet as an endless library. Google bots act as librarians, scanning and indexing each book. When users query on Google, these indexed ‘books’ are ranked by algorithms to present the most relevant results. In short, bots index, algorithms rank, and users get answers.

Why People Want Their Websites to be Ranked?

Visibility. Higher rankings translate to more eyeballs on your content. This means more traffic, potential leads, and ultimately, conversions. Plus, a top spot on search results boosts credibility, positioning brands as industry leaders.

Now that we know the basics, let’s get into the nitty gritty of SEO.

Different Types of SEO

SEO isn’t monochromatic. There are shades:

White Hat SEO

White Hat SEO comprises techniques that adhere strictly to search engine guidelines. It’s the ethical approach, emphasizing organic growth and long-term results.


  • Quality Content Creation: Crafting well-researched, informative content that addresses user intent.
  • Keyword Analysis & Integration: Using tools to identify relevant keywords and incorporating them naturally into content.
  • Link Building: Gaining backlinks from reputable sources through valuable content and genuine partnerships.
  • Site Optimization: Ensuring the website is mobile-responsive, fast-loading, and user-friendly.


  • Sustainability: Sites optimized using White Hat techniques tend to enjoy stable rankings over time.
  • No Penalty Risks: Adhering to search engine guidelines means no risk of being penalized.


  • Time-Consuming: Achieving tangible results often takes longer compared to more aggressive techniques.

Black Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO encompasses tactics that exploit weaknesses in search engine algorithms and help you slip through the loop holes. These are often contrary to guidelines and focus on quick, short-term gains.


  • Keyword Stuffing: Overloading content with keywords, making it sound unnatural.
  • Cloaking: Showing different content to search engines and users.
  • Hidden Text: Inserting invisible or off-screen text to manipulate rankings.
  • Link Farms: Creating networks of websites linking to each other to inflate backlink counts.


  • Quick Results: Sites can shoot up in rankings in a short span.


  • High Risk: Search engines are constantly evolving to detect and penalize Black Hat techniques. Sites can face severe penalties, including de-indexing.
  • Short-lived Success: The quick gains are often followed by rapid falls in rankings.

Grey Hat SEO

Grey Hat SEO sits in the liminal space between White and Black Hat techniques. It involves strategies not explicitly forbidden by search engine guidelines but still treading on thin ice.


  • Clickbait Titles: Crafting captivating titles to lure in readers, even if the content doesn’t fully align.
  • Spun Content: Using software to slightly alter existing content, presenting it as unique.
  • Buying Reviews: Paying for positive reviews or comments to boost credibility.


  • Moderate Risk, Moderate Reward: Can lead to improved rankings without the high risk of Black Hat tactics.


  • Ethical Ambiguity: The techniques might not sit well with all stakeholders.
  • Potential for Future Penalties: As search engine algorithms evolve, what’s considered “grey” today might be deemed “black” tomorrow.

How Google Ranks a Website (in a nutshell)

Google’s algorithm evaluates hundreds of factors to rank websites. While relevancy ensures that users find what they’re looking for, authority ensures they find the best possible answer. Balancing these two pillars, among other factors, is pivotal for SEO success in the digital age.


At its core, relevancy evaluates how well the content of a webpage matches the intent behind a user’s search query. It’s the cornerstone of Google’s ranking algorithm, ensuring users find the most relevant information for their searches.

Factors Influencing Relevancy

  • Keyword Matching: The presence of keywords or phrases from the search query within the webpage content. However, it’s not just about stuffing keywords; it’s about contextual integration.
  • Content Depth: A comprehensive article that covers various facets of a topic is deemed more relevant than a superficial overview. For example, an article discussing the history, varieties, and processing methods of green tea provides a holistic view.
  • User Engagement: Metrics like time spent, or how long a user stays on a page, can indicate relevancy. If users often leave quickly, the content might not be aligning with their search intent.
  • Updated Content: Regularly updated content, especially for time-sensitive topics, is seen as more relevant. An article on “green tea market trends” from 2023 is more pertinent than one from 2018.

Example: If someone searches for “green tea processing steps,” Google will favor a detailed article that breaks down each stage, from plucking leaves to the final drying process, over a general article about tea.


Authority gauges the credibility and expertise of a website or a specific webpage. In the realm of SEO, it’s often correlated with the quality and quantity of backlinks a page has received.

Factors Influencing Authority

  • Backlink Profile: The number and quality of other websites linking to a page. A backlink from a reputed source like “” or “” can significantly boost authority.
  • Domain Age: Older domains, with a track record of producing quality content, are often seen as more authoritative.
  • Content Quality: Well-researched, factual, and error-free content enhances a website’s authority. Consistent production of such content over time solidifies this reputation.
  • Social Signals: Shares, likes, and mentions across social media platforms can amplify authority. If a page about “green tea health benefits” goes viral on Twitter, it’s a nod to its authority on the subject.

Example: Consider two websites discussing “the history of green tea.” If Website A has been around for ten years, regularly publishes in-depth articles, and has backlinks from top tea connoisseurs, while Website B is a new blog with generic content, Google is likely to rank Website A higher due to its established authority.

Another important factor that google takes into account while ranking a webpage is the E-E-A-T.

In SEO, the principles of E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) and E-E-A-T (Experience supporting these principles) stand as cornerstones, guiding content creators and webmasters in crafting content that resonates with both search engines and users.

E-A-T: Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness

E-A-T is a framework used by Google’s quality raters to assess the value and reliability of web content. It’s a reflection of Google’s commitment to prioritizing high-quality, trustworthy information in its search results.


  • Expertise: Refers to the depth of knowledge demonstrated by the content creator on a specific topic. Is the author well-versed in the subject matter?
  • Authoritativeness: Evaluates the credibility of the website or content creator within their field. Does the wider community recognize and respect them?
  • Trustworthiness: Questions the legitimacy and accuracy of the content. Can users trust the information presented?

Example: Consider a blog post titled “The Heart Health Benefits of Green Tea.” If penned by a cardiologist who regularly treats patients and conducts related research, the content exudes expertise.

If this cardiologist frequently contributes to renowned medical journals or speaks at conferences, they exhibit authoritativeness. And if the content is balanced, free from misleading information, and backed by scientific references, it embodies trustworthiness.

E-E-A-T: Taking E-A-T a Step Further

E-E-A-T underscores the significance of backing the claims or statements made in the content with credible evidence. It’s an extension of the E-A-T principles, emphasizing the need for tangible proof to support expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

Importance: In an age of misinformation and “fake news,” E-E-A-T is a beacon for content credibility. experience-backed content not only educates readers but also establishes the content’s legitimacy in the eyes of search engines.


  • Citations: Referencing reputable sources, studies, or research papers that align with the content’s claims.
  • Testimonials: Incorporating feedback or endorsements from recognized figures or organizations.
  • Case Studies: Showcasing real-world examples or in-depth analyses that support the content’s assertions.
  • Visual Proof: Including graphs, charts, or infographics derived from legitimate data sources.

Example: Building on the earlier example of “The Heart Health Benefits of Green Tea,” E-E-A-T would come into play if the cardiologist includes statistics from a recent medical study, visual representations of heart rate improvements in green tea drinkers, or quotes from fellow medical professionals corroborating the claims.

As we transition from the broader content guidelines of E-A-T, let’s delve into the specific on-page elements that enhance visibility and user experience.

On-Page SEO

There are many factors that fall under on-page SEO. To make it easier to understand, I’ve selected the most important ones and grouped them into four main categories.

Basic SEO Elements

Elements in this category are essential for any webpage. In fact, without these components, it’s highly unlikely that search engines would rank a website favorably.

Title Tag

Your website’s marquee. It’s paramount in drawing both users and search engines. For instance, “The Ultimate Green Tea Guide” briefly tells readers and search algorithms what to expect.

Meta Description

Think of it as your web page’s elevator pitch. In under 160 characters, it should captivate and inform. Example: “Unearth the rich history, varieties, and health benefits of green tea with our comprehensive guide.”

Note: Meta description is not a ranking factor but it impacts the click-through rate of a webpage.

SEO Keywords

In the world of search engines, SEO keywords act as beacons, guiding search engines towards your content to match user searches.

They form the foundation for search engine rankings, bridging the gap between a user’s queries and your content’s relevance. Now, let’s dive into the different types of SEO keywords.

Short Tail Keywords

These are broad, generic terms that encapsulate a wide range of topics.

  • Pros: Massive search volumes due to their generic nature.
  • Cons: High competition and often low specificity, which can lead to lower conversion rates.

Example: Searching for “tea” might yield results from its history to brewing methods to nearby tea shops.

Medium Tail Keywords

A middle ground, these keywords are more specific than short tail but broader than long tail.

  • Pros: A balance between search volume and specificity, leading to better-targeted traffic.
  • Cons: Moderate competition.

Example: “Green tea varieties” narrows down the search to types of green tea but doesn’t specify a particular aspect.

Long Tail Keywords

Highly specific phrases that target niche topics or queries.

  • Pros: Lower competition, higher conversion rates due to specificity.
  • Cons: Lower search volumes.

Example: “Best green tea brands for antioxidants” targets users specifically interested in antioxidant-rich green tea brands.

Keywords Categorization Based on User Intent

Understanding the motive behind a user’s search is pivotal. This intent can be categorized into:

Informational Keywords

Users are searching for information.

  • Example: “How is green tea processed?” indicates a user seeking information about the green tea production process.

Navigational Keywords

Users aim to locate a specific website or page.

  • Example: “Green tea Wikipedia” signifies the user’s intent to find the Wikipedia page about green tea.

Transactional Keywords

Queries that suggest a readiness or intent to make a purchase.

  • Example: “Buy organic green tea online” indicates the user’s desire to purchase organic green tea.

Commercial Keywords:

Users are researching, often before making a final purchase decision.

  • Example: “Best green tea brands reviews” suggests the user is comparing green tea brands before buying.
Choosing the Right Keywords

Your choice of keywords should be a blend of your content’s offerings and your audience’s needs. Here’s how:

Understand Your Audience: Delve into your target audience’s preferences, needs, and search habits.

Keyword Research Tools: Platforms like Google’s Keyword Planner or Ahrefs offer insights into keyword search volumes, competition, and relevancy.

Analyze Competition: Identify keywords your competitors rank for. Spot gaps or opportunities where you can outshine them.

Regularly Update: The digital world is dynamic. Regularly review and update your keyword strategy to stay relevant.

In essence, SEO keywords are more than just words; they’re strategic tools that, when used effectively, can catapult your content to the forefront of search engine results, ensuring visibility and engagement.

SEO Headings (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)

HTML headings are more than just typographical elements. They are integral to structuring content, guiding readers through the narrative, and signaling search engines about the content’s focus and hierarchy. Let’s unravel the layers of SEO headings and their role in SEO.

H1 – The Primary Heading

Role: Acts as the main title or headline of a page, offering a snapshot of the content’s overarching theme.

Usage: Reserved for the most important title, typically the page or blog post title.

Example: “The World of Teas” could be an h1 heading for a comprehensive guide on teas.

H2 – Subheadings

Role: Highlights major sections under the primary topic, creating clear content divisions.

Usage: For main content categories or divisions.

Example: “History of Green Tea” or “Benefits of Black Tea” can serve as h2 headings under the broader “The World of Teas” theme.

H3 – Sub-Subheadings

Role: Elaborates on topics introduced by h2 headings, breaking them into more specific segments.

Usage: For further content subdivisions.

Example: Under “History of Green Tea,” h3 headings might include “Origin in Ancient China” and “Spread to Japan.”

H4 to H6 – Further Content Structuring

Role: These are utilized for even more granular content breakdowns, though they’re less commonly used compared to the previous levels.

Usage: For deep dives into niche topics or to highlight specific points.

Example: Under an h3 like “Origin in Ancient China,” an h4 might be “The Role of Emperor Shen Nong.”

Why Are SEO Headings Crucial?

User Experience: Clearly defined headings make content easily skim-able. Readers can quickly identify sections of interest, enhancing user engagement.

SEO Value: Headings, especially when integrated with targeted keywords, signal search engines about content focus areas. An h2 like “Health Benefits of Green Tea” directly conveys the section’s topic to search engines.

Content Organization: Headings provide a structured layout, ensuring content flows logically from one topic to another.

Accessibility: For users with disabilities using screen readers, well-defined headings ensure that content is accessible and navigable.

SEO Headings Best Practices

Unique h1s: Every page should have only one h1 to define its primary focus.

Keyword Integration: Infuse relevant keywords in your headings without making them sound forced.

Concise & Clear: Headings should be to-the-point, effectively conveying the section’s theme.

Consistent Formatting: Maintain a uniform style for each heading level for a cohesive look.

In essence, SEO headings are the architectural pillars of content, ensuring it stands tall, organized, and accessible, both for users and search engines. By wisely using headings, content creators can enhance readability, SEO value, and overall content impact.

SEO Content

SEO content is parallel to the lifeblood of a website. It’s the medium through which brands communicate, engage, and establish connections. Beyond mere words, it’s a strategic tool that has the potential to drive traffic, nurture relationships, and catalyze conversions.

Why Content is King

Engagement: Quality content captivates readers, keeping them hooked and reducing bounce rates.

Credibility: Well-researched and factual content positions brands as authorities in their niches.

Visibility: Search engines reward valuable content with higher rankings, amplifying its reach.

Conversion: Persuasive content can guide users down the sales funnel, leading to tangible business outcomes.

Unraveling Search Intent

Search intent decodes the ‘why’ behind a user’s query. It’s the motive or goal driving the search. Aligning content with search intent ensures it resonates with the target audience.

Types of Intent:

  • Informational: Users are on a quest for knowledge. E.g., “What are the benefits of green tea?”
  • Transactional: The aim is to make a purchase. E.g., “Buy jasmine green tea online.”
  • Navigational: Directing to a specific site or page. E.g., “Green tea Wikipedia.”
  • Commercial Investigation: Pre-purchase research. E.g., “Best green tea brands.”
  • Crafting Content for Intent: If users are seeking a tutorial, offer a step-by-step guide. If they’re contemplating a purchase, provide product comparisons or reviews.
How to Integrate Keywords in Content

Keywords should be added into content organically, maintaining the flow and context. Below are few tips to do professionally.

Avoid Overstuffing: Keyword saturation can repel readers and attract search engine penalties. Balance is key.

Use Variants: Utilize synonyms or related terms to diversify keyword usage and cater to a broader range of queries.

Strategic Placement: Position keywords in critical areas like headings, meta descriptions, and the introductory paragraph for maximum impact.

Key Takeaways
  • Tailored Approach: SEO content isn’t about churning out generic articles. It’s about crafting content tailored for search engine algorithms while prioritizing user needs.
  • Engagement is Paramount: Beyond SEO metrics, fostering genuine user engagement is the hallmark of successful content.
  • Intent Over Everything: No matter how eloquently penned, content that doesn’t align with user intent will struggle to make a mark in search rankings. Understanding and addressing user needs is non-negotiable.

Indexing Control & URL Structure

Indexing control refers to the methods and tools used to guide or instruct search engines on which parts of a website or web application should be indexed and which parts should not.

Proper indexing control ensures that only relevant and high-quality content gets indexed, eliminating unnecessary or sensitive pages from the search results.

Below are some important SEO factors that allow us to manage and control indexing of a website.


A simple text file located at the root of a website, robots.txt provides directives to search engine crawlers about which parts of the site should be indexed or ignored.

Importance: It ensures that only valuable and relevant pages are indexed, avoiding the dilution of site relevance by excluding redundant, private, or irrelevant pages.

Example: If a site has private user data or temporary pages, the robots.txt file can instruct search engines to overlook them.


Sitemaps are essentially maps for websites. They provide a structured list of all the pages on a website, making it easier for search engines like Google to find, crawl, and index the content of the site.

XML Sitemap

An XML (Extensible Markup Language) file that lists the URLs of a website, providing a structured overview of the site’s content.

Importance: It facilitates search engine crawlers in understanding the website’s structure and ensures that all important pages are discovered and indexed.

Usage: Especially beneficial for large websites or sites with a vast number of pages, ensuring no page goes unnoticed.

HTML Sitemap

A visual representation, often in the form of a webpage, that outlines the structure and main sections of the website.

Importance: While it aids search engines, its primary purpose is to enhance user experience, enabling visitors to navigate the site effortlessly.

Placement: Typically found in the footer of websites, offering a one-stop navigation guide.

Page Speed

Refers to the amount of time a page takes to fully display its content.

Significance: Slow-loading pages can deter users, increasing bounce rates and negatively impacting SEO rankings.

Optimization Techniques:

  • Image Compression: Use tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim to reduce image file sizes without compromising quality.
  • Minification: Minimize CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files to speed up loading times.
  • Utilize CDNs: Content Delivery Networks like Cloudflare distribute content across multiple servers, reducing the distance between users and server resources.

Core Web Vitals: Measuring the Pulse of User Experience

A set of specific factors introduced by Google and crucial for the overall user experience of a webpage.


Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Measures loading performance. A good LCP indicates that the main content of a page loads swiftly.

First Input Delay (FID): Quantifies interactivity. It assesses the time from when a user interacts with a page to when the browser responds.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Evaluates visual stability. It ensures that pages are visually stable as they load, preventing inadvertent clicks.

Relevance: As mobile browsing dominates the digital landscape, excelling in these metrics is essential. Google factors in Core Web Vitals when determining rankings, underlining their importance.

Off-Page SEO

Venturing beyond your website’s boundaries, off-page SEO focuses on external variables that influence your site’s perception in the digital universe through backlinks.

Understanding Backlinks

Backlinks, often simply referred to as “links,” are incoming hyperlinks from one website to another. They are the digital equivalent of reputation endorsements, suggesting that the content they point to is valuable or authoritative.


  • SEO Value: Backlinks signal to search engines that the linked content is reputable. Websites with high-quality backlinks tend to rank higher on search engine results pages.
  • Referral Traffic: A well-placed backlink on a popular site can drive a significant amount of traffic to your website.
  • Credibility Boost: A backlink from a reputable source enhances your site’s trustworthiness and authority in your domain.

The Anatomy of Links

Anchor Text: The clickable text in a hyperlink. SEO best practices suggest that anchor text be relevant to the page you’re linking to, rather than generic text like “click here.”

Link Juice: Refers to the SEO value transferred from one website to another through a backlink. Not all backlinks pass link juice, such as those tagged with a “nofollow” attribute.

Dofollow vs. Nofollow

Dofollow: (or simply follow) The standard backlink that passes link juice and authority from one page to another.

Nofollow: A directive telling search engines not to count this link in terms of SEO ranking, typically used for sponsored links or user-generated content.

Strategies for Effective Link Building

  • Quality Over Quantity: One link from a reputable site can be more beneficial than multiple links from lesser-known sites.
  • Guest Blogging: Contribute articles to industry-relevant blogs or websites. This not only showcases your expertise but also provides opportunities for backlinks.
  • Engage in Communities: Active participation in online forums or platforms related to your industry can lead to organic link-building opportunities.
  • Regularly Update Content: Fresh, updated content is more likely to attract backlinks as it remains relevant and timely.

Example of a Backlink in Action

Imagine “The New York Times” publishes an article on the resurgence of traditional tea ceremonies. If they reference your extensive guide on “Traditional Tea Rituals Across Cultures” and link back to it, you’ve just gained a high-quality backlink.

This endorsement not only funnels readers from the esteemed publication to your site but also signals to search engines that your content is of notable quality.

Link Quality

It’s not just about quantity, but the quality of links matters profoundly. Below are some factors to keep in mind to acquire quality links.

Domain Authority: Websites with a history of reliability, like academic journals or established media houses, carry significant weight. A backlink from “” or “” is highly prized.

Website Popularity: Sites with a large readership or subscriber base naturally have more influence. Imagine the impact of a shoutout from a site like “TechCrunch” or “BuzzFeed.”

Relevance: A link from a niche-specific site holds more relevance. For a fitness blog, a backlink from “” is more pertinent than one from a cooking site.

How to Acquire Backlinks

Crafting great content is only half the battle. Promoting it and fostering organic backlinks is the other half. Let’s explore some ways to do the needful.

Guest Blogging

Writing articles or blog posts for external websites, often in exchange for a backlink to your site is called guest blogging.


  • Quality First: Ensure that your guest posts offer genuine value. High-quality content boosts your chances of being accepted by reputable platforms.
  • Bio Section: Most guest blogging opportunities allow for a bio section where you can include a backlink to your site.
  • Target Audience: Choose platforms that cater to your target demographic to ensure relevant traffic.

Building Collaborative Networks

  • Synergy: Collaborate with partners, distributors, suppliers, or even clients. These relationships can lead to mutual backlink opportunities.
  • Case Study: If you’re a software firm that’s provided solutions to a big brand, a case study detailing this collaboration can be a valuable backlink source.

Defend Your Intellectual Property

Monitor Your Content: Use tools like Google Alerts or Mention to track where your content gets referenced.

Outreach: If your content is used without proper attribution, reach out politely and request a backlink. Most sites will oblige, recognizing the importance of content integrity.

Leveraging Influencers

Find the Right Fit: Collaborate with influencers who resonate with your brand values and cater to your target audience.

Diverse Content: From product reviews to interviews or joint webinars, there’s a plethora of content opportunities to explore with influencers.

Visual Content

Infographics: Break down complex data into visually appealing and easily digestible graphics. These often get shared and cited, generating backlinks.

Videos: Engaging video content, whether it’s tutorials, reviews, or stories, can be embedded on other sites, creating backlink opportunities.

Original Research

Unique Value Proposition: Content derived from proprietary research or surveys offers insights not available elsewhere, making it a prime candidate for citations.

Promotion: Once you publish your research, promote it across industry forums, social media, and outreach to journalists or bloggers in your domain.

Bonus Tips

Broken Link Building: Find dead links on other websites related to your niche. Reach out to the site owner with a suggestion to replace the broken link with a relevant link from your site.

Testimonials: Write testimonials for products or services you’ve used. Brands often display these on their sites with a link back to the reviewer’s site.

Tracking SEO Progress: Metrics that Matter

It’s about understanding the efficacy of your strategies and recalibrating as needed. Here’s how you can keep tabs on your SEO journey.

Organic Traffic

Significance: Organic traffic reflects the innate strength of your content and its SEO optimization. It’s a testament to your site’s ability to attract users without relying on paid promotions.

Deep Dive: Using tools like Google Analytics, dissect organic traffic to understand user demographics, their on-site behavior, time spent on different pages, and the journey they take through your site.

Keyword Rankings

It indicates the position of your website in search results for specific keywords.

Significance: High rankings for relevant keywords can drastically increase visibility and traffic.

Monitor & Adapt: Regularly monitor keyword performance. If certain keywords underperform, consider revisiting your content strategy or exploring new keyword opportunities.

SERP Visibility

Featured Snippets: These are prime real estate on Google, often providing direct answers and driving substantial traffic.

Local Packs & Knowledge Graphs: For businesses with a local focus, appearing in Google’s local packs or having a well-optimized knowledge graph can enhance visibility.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The percentage of users who click on your listing after seeing it in search results.

Optimization Tips: Craft compelling meta titles and descriptions, incorporate numbers or power words, and ensure they align with user intent.

Bounce rate is an important matrix for understanding how many visitors leave your site without interacting further? The low the number the better the user experience is.

What causes high bounce rate?

Mismatched Intent: Your content doesn’t align with what users anticipated.

Poor UX: Difficult navigation or slow loading times.

How to reduce bounce rate? The answer is very simple. Re-evaluate content relevance, improve site speed, and enhance user experience to reduce bounce rates.

Website Authority

A steady rise in authority can stem from receiving backlinks from high-authority domains, consistent user engagement, or content that becomes a reference point in your industry.

Use tools like Moz’s Link Explorer or Ahrefs’ Site Explorer to monitor fluctuations in your site’s authority.


Regularly audit your backlink profile, watching out for spammy or irrelevant links that could harm your SEO. If the good quality links are increasing, you are good. Or else, audit your backlink profile and disavow bad links.

Page Speed

With an increasing number of users browsing on mobile, ensure your site is loading fast as well as mobile-optimized.

You can use techniques like compress images, utilize browser caching, implementing AMP (accelerated mobile pages) for faster mobile loading and reduce server response time.

Google Algorithm Updates

Google’s search algorithms are constantly evolving, with the primary goal of delivering the most relevant and high-quality content to users. As these algorithms shift, so must the strategies of webmasters and SEO professionals to stay ahead of the curve.

Google Panda: Detecting Plagiarism

Rolled out in February 2011, Panda was a response to user complaints about the prevalence of low-quality content in search results.

Target: Sites with thin, duplicate, or plagiarized content, as well as content farms.


Regular Audits: Use tools like Copyscape to ensure your content is unique.

Value Proposition: Ensure every piece of content adds tangible value, addressing user needs and queries.

Google Penguin: Targeting Spammy Links

Introduced in April 2012, Penguin aimed to decrease the rankings of sites violating Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, especially those involved in manipulative link schemes.

Target: Unnatural backlinks, link schemes and PBNs (private blog networks).


Organic Link Building: Focus on genuine link-building strategies like guest posting, partnerships, and creating shareable content.

Disavow Tool: Use Google’s Disavow tool to distance your site from harmful backlinks.

Helpful Content Update

While not a named update, Google’s push for in-depth and valuable content became increasingly evident over the years.

Target: Superficial articles that don’t fully address a topic or answer user queries.


Comprehensive Coverage: Rather than skimming the surface, delve deep into subjects, offering readers a thorough understanding.

User Feedback: Engage with your audience, understanding their content needs and queries to guide your content creation.

Core Web Vitals Update: Prioritizing User Experience

A more recent focus of Google, this update emphasizes the importance of user experience metrics in determining page rankings.

Target: Sites with poor loading speeds, unstable layouts, and laggy interactivity.


Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Measures loading performance.

First Input Delay (FID): Assesses interactivity and responsiveness.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Gauges visual stability.

First Contentful Paint (FCP): Measuring first appearance of content on a webpage


Optimization: Use tools like Google Lighthouse or PageSpeed Insights to identify areas of improvement.

Mobile-First: With the rise in mobile browsing, ensure your site is optimized for mobile devices, both in terms of speed and layout.

By tracking your progress and staying updated with algorithm shifts, you position your site for sustained digital success.

After discussing the major components of this beginner’s guide, including the Google’s algorithm updates, let’s now explore some necessary tools that will be essential throughout your SEO journey.

Helpful SEO Tools for Your SEO Journey

While numerous online tools claim to aid in SEO, I’ve personally shortlisted a few that I’ve relied on for years, and they consistently deliver insightful and precise analyses.


SEMRush is a multifaceted platform that I often turn to for a variety of digital marketing needs. One of its standout features is its ability to unveil the keywords my competitors are targeting, giving me insights into potential areas of focus.

Beyond keyword analysis, SEMRush provides a lens through which I can identify where my competitors are getting their backlinks from, presenting valuable opportunities for my own link-building strategies.

Whether it’s SEO, PPC, content, or social media research, this tool has consistently proven invaluable in my arsenal.


Gap Analysis: Identify keywords your competitors rank for but you don’t.

Site Audit: Uncover on-site issues and receive actionable recommendations.

Use Case: By examining a rival’s backlink profile, you can identify potential linking opportunities for your site.

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a helpful tool I use on my WordPress site. It helps me control which pages search engines see and which they don’t.

I also use it to easily change titles and meta descriptions to make my pages better for search. It’s like a handy helper for making sure my website is set up right for search engines.


Real-time Feedback: Offers suggestions as you type.

Breadcrumbs: Enhances internal linking and user navigation.

Use Case: While drafting a blog post about “The History of Tea,” Yoast might suggest adding internal links or enhancing meta descriptions for better SEO.

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a tool made mainly for people who use AdWords, but it’s great for finding SEO keywords too. I often use it to discover and research keywords for my content.


Trend Data: View keyword popularity over time.

Bid Estimates: Gain insights into potential ad spend for keywords.

Use Case: Exploring long-tail keyword variations for “herbal teas” might reveal an untapped niche, like “herbal teas for relaxation.”


Copyscape is a handy online tool designed to ensure the authenticity of your content. By scanning the web, it identifies any instances where your content might have been duplicated or republished without your permission.

I frequently use this tool to detect such duplications and ensure that my content remains unique.


Protect Reputation: Ensure your content maintains integrity.

Avoid Duplicate Content Penalties: Search engines can penalize duplicated content, making originality paramount.

Use Case: If you’ve outsourced content creation, a Copyscape scan can verify its authenticity before publishing.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a tool I use all the time to see how many people are visiting my website. It shows me where they’re coming from, like from social media or another website, and even details like their age, where they live, and what device they’re using.

I can see which pages on my site are the most popular and how people move around my site. Plus, I set up goals in it to track things like sales or sign-ups, so I know how well my site is doing its job.


Audience Insights: Understand user demographics, interests, and behavior.

Conversion Tracking: Monitor goals and eCommerce transactions.

Use Case: If users frequently drop off at the checkout page, there might be UX issues or concerns to address.

Google Search Console

Think of Google Search Console, or GSC for short, as a doctor for websites. It gives me a clear picture of how my site appears to Google. I rely on it to see how often my site shows up in Google’s search results and how many people click on it.

It has a special report called Core Web Vitals that tells me how well my website speed is for my visitors and for Google.

But one of the best things? If I make a new page or change something on my site, I can use GSC to tell Google to come check it out right away.


Indexing Insights: Monitor which pages have been indexed.

Alerts: Receive notifications for site issues or penalties.

Use Case: If Google flags mobile usability issues, it’s a cue to enhance the mobile responsiveness of your site.


Hotjar is like a camera that watches how visitors use my website. I use it to see where people click, where they scroll, and how they move from one page to another.

The heatmaps show me which parts of my site are getting the most attention, and the scroll maps help me see how far down people go on my pages.

One of the coolest things is that Hotjar can even record videos of users’ visits, so I can watch and learn exactly how they interact with my site. It’s a great tool to see if the buttons and things I put on my site are working well.


User Feedback: Surveys and feedback widgets gather direct user insights.

Optimization: Identify friction points in user journeys.

Use Case: If users consistently drop off a sign-up form at a specific field, it’s an indicator that the field might be confusing or unnecessary.

Bonus Mention

Ahrefs: Comparable to SEMRush, Ahrefs is an all-in-one toolset for SEO and marketing. From keyword research, competitor analysis to backlink checks, it’s a treasure trove of data and insights.

As we transition from the tools that aid in optimizing our websites, it’s equally important to highlight the SEO experts in the field.

Their insights and experiences can provide priceless guidance. Let’s dig into some key figures in the SEO world whom you would benefit from following.

People to Follow for SEO Learning

The SEO realm is ever-evolving. Keeping pace requires continuous learning, and who better to learn from than industry stalwarts?

Neil Patel

Co-founder of Crazy Egg, Hello Bar, and Ubersuggest, Neil Patel is a serial entrepreneur and one of Forbes’ top 10 online marketers.

Content Highlights

Ubersuggest: A free tool by Patel, offering keyword insights, backlink data, and site audits.

Podcasts: Hosts “Marketing School” alongside Eric Siu, offering daily bites of marketing wisdom.

Why Follow: Neil’s knack for simplifying complex SEO concepts, combined with actionable strategies, makes him a go-to resource for beginners and seasoned marketers alike.

Brian Dean

The mastermind behind Backlinko, a hub for actionable SEO and marketing advice. Brian’s strategies are rooted in real-world testing and data.

Content Highlights

Skyscraper Technique: A revolutionary content creation method aimed at producing content that’s a level above the competition, thus earning more backlinks.

YouTube SEO: Beyond traditional SEO, Dean offers invaluable tips for ranking videos on YouTube.

Why Follow: For those looking to master the art of backlink acquisition and content optimization, Brian’s insights are gold.

Rand Fishkin

Co-founder of Moz and SparkToro, Rand Fishkin is a seasoned entrepreneur with a deep understanding of the digital marketing landscape.

Content Highlights

Whiteboard Friday: A series by Moz where Rand (and other experts) breaks down SEO concepts with visual aids.

Lost and Founder: Rand’s book offers a transparent look into the startup world, including insights into SEO software development.

Why Follow: Rand’s candidness about the successes and pitfalls in the SEO realm, coupled with his analytical approach, makes him a must-follow for budding marketers.

Lily Ray

Director of SEO at Path Interactive, Lily Ray’s expertise revolves around E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness), a crucial element in Google’s search algorithm.

Content Highlights

Google Algorithm Analysis: Lily offers deep dives into algorithm updates, shedding light on their implications.

E-A-T Strategies: With Google emphasizing E-A-T, Lily’s insights on enhancing these metrics are invaluable.

Why Follow: As Google’s algorithms evolve, Lily’s research-backed insights can help marketers stay ahead of the curve.

Barry Schwartz

As the CEO of RustyBrick and the driving force behind Search Engine Roundtable, Barry Schwartz has solidified his reputation as the go-to source for breaking news on Google’s algorithm changes.

Content Highlights

Algorithm Updates: Barry is often the first to report on shifts, tremors, and major changes in Google’s algorithm. His close connections and active participation in the SEO community enable him to gather firsthand observations and insights.

Webmaster Hangouts: Barry actively participates in and covers Google’s Webmaster Hangouts, ensuring that the community is updated with official information and clarifications directly from Google’s team.

Why Follow: For anyone in the SEO industry, staying updated on algorithm changes is crucial. Barry’s prompt and detailed coverage ensures that professionals can quickly adapt and respond to Google’s ever-evolving search landscape. His dedication to timely reporting has saved many an SEO from potential pitfalls and has helped them capitalize on new opportunities.

Websites for Useful SEO Resources

Stay updated, stay ahead. Here are some go-to websites for the latest in SEO.

Search Engine Journal (SEJ)

Since its inception in 2003, SEJ has grown to become a trusted source for the latest in digital marketing, SEO, and the broader search industry.

Content Highlights

Expert Opinions: Featuring articles from industry leaders and experienced practitioners.

Webinars: Regularly hosts webinars on pressing SEO topics, often featuring key industry figures.

Why Bookmark: SEJ offers a balanced blend of news, analysis, and actionable strategies, making it a comprehensive resource for both beginners and seasoned pros.

Search Engine Land

A cornerstone in the SEO community, it provides timely news and in-depth analysis on all things search.

Content Highlights

SMX Conferences: They organize the Search Marketing Expo, a major event in the SEO calendar.

Periodic Reports & Whitepapers: Offering deeper insights into specific search-related topics.

Why Bookmark: For those wanting to keep their fingers on the pulse of every search update and trend, Search Engine Land is indispensable.

Moz Blog

As pioneers in the SEO tool industry, Moz’s insights stem from deep data analysis and real-world application.

Content Highlights

Whiteboard Friday: A beloved segment where complex SEO topics are broken down visually.

Community Q&A: A platform where budding SEO enthusiasts can get their queries answered by experts.

Why Bookmark: With a blend of educational content and practical advice, the Moz Blog is perfect for those looking to deepen their SEO knowledge.

SEMRush Blog

Beyond their renowned toolset, SEMRush offers a treasure trove of knowledge through their blog.

Content Highlights

Case Studies: Real-world examples showcasing the application of SEO strategies.

E-Books: Comprehensive guides on a range of SEO topics.

Why Bookmark: From beginner guides to expert-level strategies, SEMRush caters to all levels of SEO enthusiasts.

Ahrefs Blog

A leading name in SEO tools, Ahrefs also delivers quality content dissecting the intricacies of SEO.

Content Highlights

Video Tutorials: Visual learners can benefit from their step-by-step video guides.

Success Stories: Learn from real-world applications and successes in the SEO realm.

Why Bookmark: Ahrefs combines data-backed insights with practical application, making it a must-read for those serious about results-driven SEO.

Google Search Central Blog

As the dominant search engine, Google’s own insights into search are invaluable.

Content Highlights

Algorithm Updates: Firsthand information on the latest tweaks to the search algorithm.

Best Practices: Google’s recommendations for webmasters to optimize their sites.

Why Bookmark: For an unfiltered understanding of Google’s search ecosystem, this blog is a must-follow.


In 2023, SEO is like both art and science. It’s about knowing the tech side, writing good content, and planning well. There are different ways to do SEO, like White, Black, and Grey Hat methods. Plus, it’s important to be experts and trustworthy— that’s what E-A-T and E-E-A-T mean.

One big part of SEO is keywords. They’re like signposts that help search engines and people find your site. There are different types of keywords, from very general to very specific. Things like headings on your site help make it clearer and better for users.

Links from other sites to yours are important too. It’s better to have a few really good links than lots of bad ones. Things like writing for other sites, working with influencers, and doing original research can help get good links.

Google keeps changing how it decides which sites to show first, so it’s important to keep up. They’ve made updates like Panda and Core Web Vitals to make sure users get the best experience. Tools like SEMRush help keep track of all this.

But tools are only part of it. Experts like Neil Patel, Barry Schwartz, and Brian Dean share really good advice and updates. Websites like Search Engine Journal and Moz Blog also share the latest news and tips.

To wrap it up, SEO in 2023 is about being tech-smart, creative, and well-planned. It’s about knowing what’s going on, using the right tools, and making strategies that work for search engines and people. With everything online these days, being good at SEO is super important.

In this digital age, where visibility is currency, mastering the nuances of SEO is not just a competitive advantage—it’s a necessity.

About Ahmad Ali

Ahmad is the co-founder and CEO at Webbee Inc. He’s been working as a digital marketer for past few years and has worked with some notables names across different industries. He is also the developer of Webbee SEO spider, one of the most advanced SEO spider tool on the internet.

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